
Vol. 10 No. 1 (jan/jun - 1997): O Brasil nos arquivos portugueses

Fontes do Tribunal de Contas de Portugal para a história do Brasil Colônia

July 8, 2015


The Historical Archives of the Portuguese Audit Office has a lot of documents which reflects the past, in common, between Portugal and Brazil, especially concerning to the financial control of Brazil in colonial times. It gives some elements to study the accountancy and economical history, allowing a surveying of the administrative and financial organization of 'Juntas da Fazenda' from different Brazilian captainships and their liaisons with the Portuguese Court, as well the study of economical relationship between the two countries, since the beginning of the seventh century to the first half of nineteenth, embracing a geografical area wich goes from the captainship of 'Grão-Pará' to  that of 'Rio Grande do Sul'.


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