Artigos Livres

v. 12 n. 1-2 (jan/dez - 1999): Escritas do Brasil

Religião, cordialidade e promessa: o catolicismo em Raízes do Brasil e Monções, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda

8 julho 2015


This text focuses on the religion in the book of Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Raízes do Brasil, published in 1936. The author of this article observing how the religiosity of the Brazilian people interlaces the principal concept of that work – the ‘cordiality’ – tries to understand the possibilities of the catholicism to become an element of social cohesion. In Sérgio Buarque's following book, Monções, published in 1945, it is detected a religiosity different from that one that appears in Raízes do Brasil.


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